Customs Ogun 1 Command Intercepts 975 Rounds of Live Cartridges Concealed in Bags of Rice

Officers and Men of the Nigeria Customs Service, Ogun 1 Area Command, have intercepted 975 Rounds of live Cartridges of red star ammunition Concealed in Bags of Rice. 

The Customs Area Controller, Comptroller Ahmadu Shuaibu, who disclosed this to newsmen on Tuesday, 28 November 2023, stated that the seizure was made following an

intel that the 5 bags of foreign parboiled rice containing live cartridges of red star ammunition had been carefully hidden in a bush path along the Palace/Ayetoro road, Imeko Afon Local Government Area of Ogun State. 

The CAC stated that the bags of rice were suspected because of the unusual threading and sewing of the sacks. 

He said, "During the examination, about 975 rounds of red star live cartridges were found to have been ingeniously concealed in the bags." 

"We have intensified efforts at tracking down the perpetrators of this nefarious act for them to be brought to justice." He added

Shuaibu reiterated the Command's resolve to promote national security and the country's economic well-being. 

He appreciated the gallant Officers and Men for their bravery and commended the patriotism of informants for their partnership. 

He further called on well-meaning Nigerians with helpful intel to collaborate with the Service in enhancing the security of the nation.

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