In Nigeria, out of 49% estimated Christian population, a whopping 35% are nominal Christians - Pastor Akin-John


Pastor Bola Akin-John



It must be stated clearly that there are much more religious Christians than genuine ones today. The greatest threat to Christianity is not Islam, Judaism, Buddism or Hinduism, but nominal, religious Christians. In Nigeria alone, out the estimated 49 percent of Christian population, a whopping 35 percent are nominal Christians.


It has been rightly observed that there are more discipled and practicing Muslims than practicing Christians. Of the over 2.1 billion Christians of the world, just about 15% are true disciples of Jesus. Majority are nominal, religious Christians, whose commitment to their faith doesn’t go beyond the name, dress, spasmodic attendance of church meetings.


Well, if Satan cannot stop you from being a Christian, he will do all he can to simply make you a religious, nominal Christian. He will bless you with a religious spirit. And He has succeeded too much in the church today with this spirit, even among Pentecostal and Evangelical churches.


A.​Definition and Basis – Isaiah 1:9-15; Isaiah 58:1-9; 29:13; Matt. 23:23; Gal. 4:10-11; 2 Tim. 3:5; Titus 1:16; Rom. 2:1,21.


Religion is man’s attempt to approach His Maker. It is the invention of man, inspired by demonic spirits. The religious spirit;

a.​Makes worship vague and symbolic.

b.​Causes people to have a form of godliness but deny the power of God.

c.​Causes people to place attention on objects, symbols and man.

d.​Causes people to focus on miracles of God, not on God himself.

e.​Induces you to focus on an experience, vision, teaching or visitation.


Religion is man’s ultimate concern for the ultimate” – Paul Tillich. Nothing drives human energy and passion like religion. Religious spirit brings things to form, routine, lifeless, mechanical, powerless, ritualistic, outward show but inward emptiness. The religious spirit stimulates false religiousity, blinds people and keeps them from developing relationship with God in spirit and truth’. The spirit of religion quite manifest in seeks, cults and pagan religious, but much more subtely in Evangelical churches.


The Heart of God About Religion – John 4:21-23; Matt. 23:23; Rev. 3:15-18

Jesus did not come to give us religion, but a living and personal relationship with Himself and Father. Throughout His ministry, He fought religious people and started a new wine bottle with new wine, when the old refused to change – Mark 2:22; Matt. 9:17-18. God also display His hatred for religious devotions that is devoid of life throughout the Old Testament. Isaiah 1:9-15; Isaiah 58:1-9; II Kings 17:32-33,41. They feared the LORD, but served their idols! What an irony of religious spirit that God detests.


B.​Facts About Christian Religion Today – Romans 2:1,22; Titus 1:16


Though the Christian faith was never intended by God to be a religion, but a way of life, yet the facts on the ground speaks volumes. Christianity is ranked as the largest religion in the world today:-


* In 2010, there were 42,000 denominations in the world.

* 2.18 billion Christians in the world.

* Roman Catholic 1.1 billion.

* Protestant – 800 million.

* ​Orthodox – 260 million.

* Pentecostals – 279 million.

* ​Charismatics – 304 million.

* Evangelicals – 304 million (Bible believing)


Considering all “Christian” growth rate, Islam (1.9%) indeed is growing faster than Christianity (1.2%), but evangelical Christianity growth rate (2.6%) is faster than Islam (1.9%) and twice faster than Buddism (1.3%) and Hinduism (1.2%). Source – Operation World 2010.


Though there had been tremendous growth of evangelical Christianity in Africa, Asia and Latin America in the last 30 years, however, there is remarkable decline of true Christianity in Europe and North America! Once vibrant, living and vital churches are gradually losing life and imbibing the religious spirit.


C.​How Churches Becomes Religious Centers – Rev. 2,3; Matt. 23:27-28


Too many denominations and churches that started so well in Christ, have gradually deviated to religious systems, dogmas, beliefs and values. Genuine Christian churches lapsed back into religious order through:-


•​Abusive, dominant, despotic and secular leader.

•​Grieving the Holy Spirit of God – Isaiah 63:10

•​Loss of heavenly vision and purpose.

•​Gradual drifting away from God.

•​Neglecting the whole counsel of God.

•​Religious but unsaved associate leaders.

•​Reinventing the church by human ideas.

•​Whitewashing sin, evils and ungodliness.

•​Non-discipling of converts and people.

•​Uplifting order, systems and ceremonials above word of God.

•​Ordaining unsaved people as pastor.

•​Leadership tussle for titles and positions.

•​Quenching the fire and spirit of prayer and intercession.

•​Gospel of prosperity, worldliness and secular motivations and pursuits.

•​Biblical illiteracy in leaders and people.

•​Foundation of personal ambition, dream, idea, rebellion and vision.

•​Ceremonies, emotional hypes and offerings.

•​Money gimmicks, gluttonous living and immoralities.

•​Poor succession plan and transfer of leadership.


Each and several of these factors have turned many once lively churches into ordinary religious centers today, where people are deeply religious, committed to their churches and leaders, but lost in sin and unknown by Christ! If only majority of Christian churches can come back to life in Christ, the world will be won to Christ.


D.​How To Dismantle The Religious Spirit In Your Church – Matt. 4:17


1.​Genuine repentance and turning to Christ.

2.​Spiritual warfare and intercessory prayers.

3.​Preaching the gospel of the kingdom.

4.​Call people to true worship of God.

5.​Welcome change and demand transformation.

6.​Emphasize the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

7.​Seek the Lord for Renewal and Revival of the church.

8.​Take a strong stand against sin and unrighteousness.

9.​Seek for input of the Body of Christ.

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